PARENTS! 10 Things to say to BOOST your teens confidence…

Building confidence in teenagers is crucial for their emotional and mental development. During these formative years, they face numerous challenges, from academic pressures to social dynamics. As a parent or guardian, your words can significantly impact their self-esteem and confidence. Here are some key things to say to boost your teen's confidence.

I Believe in You

Letting your teen know that you believe in their abilities is incredibly empowering. It shows them that you trust their judgment and capabilities, which can motivate them to take on challenges and pursue their goals.

You Are Capable of Achieving Great Things

Encourage your teen to set high aspirations and assure them that they have the potential to achieve greatness. This helps them develop a growth mindset, where they see their abilities as improvable through effort and perseverance.

It's Okay to Make Mistakes

Teens often fear failure and making mistakes. Reassure them that mistakes are a natural part of learning and growth. Emphasize that what matters is how they learn from these experiences and move forward. 

I'm Proud of Your Efforts

Acknowledge and celebrate the effort your teen puts into their activities, regardless of the outcome. This reinforces the idea that effort and perseverance are more important than immediate success.

Your Feelings Matter

Validate your teen’s emotions and let them know that their feelings are important. This helps them feel understood and valued, which can enhance their self-worth and confidence.

You Have Unique Talents and Skills

Everyone has their own strengths and talents. Help your teen identify and appreciate their unique abilities. This can boost their confidence by making them aware of what makes them special and valuable.

You Are Loved and Accepted for Who You Are

Assure your teen that they are loved unconditionally. Knowing that they are accepted for who they are, not just for their achievements, provides a strong foundation for self-confidence.

Let's Talk About It

Encourage open communication by showing that you are always willing to listen. When teens feel heard and understood, they are more likely to express themselves confidently and seek help when needed.

You Can Overcome This Challenge

When your teen faces difficulties, remind them of their resilience and past successes in overcoming obstacles. This can boost their confidence in their ability to handle current and future challenges.

I Admire Your Independence

Acknowledge your teen’s growing independence and ability to make decisions. This reinforces their confidence in their judgment and helps them become more self-reliant.


Practical Tips for Parents…

While words are powerful, combining them with supportive actions can further boost your teen’s confidence. Here are some practical tips:

Encourage Hobbies and Interests

Support your teen in pursuing hobbies and interests they are passionate about. This helps them build competence and confidence in areas they enjoy.

Provide Opportunities for Success

Create opportunities for your teen to succeed in small tasks and gradually increase the complexity. This builds their confidence step by step.

Model Confidence

Set a positive example by demonstrating confidence in your own actions and decisions. Teens often learn by observing their parents and guardians.

Promote Positive Self-Talk

Teach your teen to use positive self-talk. Encourage them to replace negative thoughts with affirmations about their strengths and abilities.

Be Patient and Encouraging

Building confidence is a gradual process. Be patient with your teen and consistently offer encouragement and support.

Boosting your teen’s confidence involves a combination of positive affirmations, supportive actions, and creating an environment where they feel valued and capable. By saying the right things and backing them up with your actions, you can help your teen develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence that will serve them well throughout their life. Remember, your belief in them can significantly influence how they perceive themselves and their abilities.